I'm disabled and live on a low monthly fixed income!Life has never been easy for me as it still isn't!I do the best i can with what little i have!In 2006 was the worst year of my life because i was thrown from the back of a truck and in the hospital for 3 months in a coma with several broke bones,punctured lungs,heart stopped twice,given 6 pints of blood,lip was ripped off and jaw crushed,i had to have reconstruction of my face!I had to learn to eat,walk,and talk again.Leaving the hospital i asked where my youngest brother was and was told that he was locked up facing a death penalty for murder.I wasn't even home a week from the hospital and my mom was sent in from work from a tornado picking her up and slamming her against the brick building.She made it inside and called the ambulance.While visiting her at the hospital we were told that she was brain dead and we had to make the decision to pull the plug!