
"There was never yet an uninteresting life" - Mark Twain

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Create your life story one chapter or memory at a time.
Collaborate with others such as friends and family to gather and organize your memories.
Edit and update your life story whenever the mood hits you.
Share your life story and memories with your friends and family or the entire world, or keep it private for years..

Stories Are Timeless

The unique opportunity to record, store and organize stories of your life at no cost.

ImaStory will allow you to share your stories with others who were at the same place at the same time.

ImaStory allows you to pass along the story of your life to future generations providing you with a perfect outlet to carry on your legacy.

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Retrieve your password by adding your email address and answering either one of the security questions correctly.

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Please enter the email address that you used to create your account and answer one of the security questions that was used to secure your account.

If we find a match we will send an email with a temporary code to you.

Follow the directions in the email to reset your password.

If you still have issues gaining access after you follow these steps please contact us for further assistance.

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What do I get for siging up?

The unique opportunity to record, store and organize stories of your life at no cost.

ImaStory allows you the option to lock your story away, keeping it private for as long as you want, or share your story with friends and family or the world.

Legacy writing lets others share your journey. What could be a greater gift to pass on than a lifetime of memories? Log in, create a new story, organize it and write it. Our easy to use writing tutorials and videos will guide you through the process.

I can't write very well

Don't worry about how your story sounds, just type away. You might get your children or grandchildren involved and have them type your work for you. Write, write, and write. Tell, tell and tell. Don't worry about editing, the important thing is to get your story recorded.

I want my stories to remain private

You have many options with sharing your story. You can share your stories with the world. You can share your story with only your friends or family, or, you can lock your story away, setting some future date (or never) for your story to be shared.

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