
This is the story of my life - as I remember it.

Shared Chapters
First 10 Years
Thursday, December 26, 1946 to Wednesday, December 26, 1956
The first thing in that I can remember is sitting on a stool in my grandfather's house. We were gathered around the fireplace. The stool was a homemade affair, built square and a bout 24 inches tall. Which was about the same height as I was. The room was lit with kerosene lamps whose soft glow competed with the fireplace to light the room. It was about an even match. I was playing with a piece of kindleing about two feet long and about a half inch square. It had been split from a fat pine stump and was hard as iron. For what ever reason I decided to hit him on the head a ...continued...
  • By: Morris  Butler
  • Sunday, January 27, 2013, 11:35:00 AM
  • updated: Sunday, January 27, 2013 5:07:00 PM

